UPDATED: April 1, 2023. Because why not share doom and gloom on April Fool’s Day?
Hello, fellow insomniacs, doomsayers, crazy people, and other ne’er-do-wells! It’s that time…again…where we look around at EVERYTHING and we wonder what in the name of Sam Hill is going on. In other words…

We thought we’d pull together a few links and posts and whatnot to help you plan.
If you’re seeing a bit of a shift on this page from general crypto stuff to how/when/where/if crypto fits into the grand scheme, that is by design. It’s that goofy out there.
Here goes.
First Up: Our SHTF Posts From Back in the Day*
The answer to the asterisk is that these two posts — SHTF Vol 1 and SHTF Vol 2 — are from… OCTOBER of 2020. Oh how we’ve grown.
What Would Glenn Beck Do?
It’s actually a really good question, since Glenn is known to plan and think through things like the current economic whatnot.
Here’s a YouTube link from the week of March 13, 2023.
Who Is This Mario Guy?
We’ve loved following Maneco64 on YouTube. He’s been at it for a few years and he’s consistent as heck: “Your home for alternative economics and contrarian views.”
On March 20, he’s chatting here about the whole Swiss/Credit Suisse info, and what the Fed is doing.
How ‘Bout A Clearly Marked Affiliate Link
Binance.Us has one for ya here: Binance Affiliate Link. As with all these, you can potentially get some crypto, and so can we, with a qualifying purchase. Now back to the post.
But…How Much Crypto SHOULD I Have?
This is the question. We don’t have the answer. In fact, our answer in the above seminal SHTF posts kinda sorta thinks that maybe you should have some, but shouldn’t put all your eggs in the crypto basket.
An approach we’ve discussed earlier this year is a “Growth Portfolio,” and the 2023 edition is doing quite well. In fact, here are two straight photos of just how well it’s doing. The first from March 5, the second from this morning, March 20. (Ignore all the sixes, it’s not an omen.)

What About the Pundits?
Two years ago (!), yours truly sat down with the legendary Jim Rogers and I asked him about Bitcoin. Of course, this is before all the topsy-turvy Bitcoin craziness of the past couple years.
Funny enough, at the time of that interview, February 18 of 2021, BTC was $46,000. It’s now just over $28,000.
(Note to self: check in on Jim. See how he’s doing. See if he wants to sit down again.)
ChatGPT Isn’t Very Good at This…Yet
We talked in past posts about the limitations of ChatGPT. How it won’t take your job. How you still have creativity and editorial judgement and the ability to think and write and create and add the human touch.
We asked it to write a piece — which we posted here yesterday — and, it’s…fine. We still believe what we said in the above post about your job being safe…for now. But look around. Pay attention. This stuff moves fast.

Another Clearly Marked Affiliate Link
This Affiliate Link is for Crypto.com and they still have their name on the top of an arena. You can get some free crypto with a qualifying purchase and we’d get some, too.
April Update Piece #1
Here’s a link to our “Too Big To Fail?” post from earlier this week.